I feel very good about all of my extracurriculars and clubs but my SAT and GPA are a little lower than wanted.
What grade are you in?
If you don't mind me asking, where are you with your SAT score and where you want to be? And the 3rd question is where are you with your UWGPA and where to you want to be?
Without know where your baseline is, it will be hard for anyone to give you targeted advice.
Looking forward to your clarification!
I would use khan academy. They work directly with the college board so their practice questions are actual former SAT questions. On top of that they track what you are worse at, and push out more of those type of questions for you to get target help. I used khan academy and it was really helpful in getting a score that I am happy with
Taking SAT prep classes help a lot. Some of them can be a little pricey but they are definitely worth it in the long run.
You can take SAT prep classes, purchase an SAT prep book, utilize Khan Academy, or self-study particular topics that challenged you.
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