3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Eileen Gu - Elite Education Role Model, Villain, Victim? Let me know what you think

Is Eileen Gu someone to look up to because you and I want the same things, someone to look down upon for ignoring the Geo-political minefield she is happily playing in like a celebrity prat, or someone to feel sorry for because her Tiger Mom created this gorgeous talented Olympian monster?

Was there any possibility that Stanford was not going to accept Eileen Gu in the SCREA round last cycle?

I personally don't think so. She completed her HS diploma a year ahead of time at the coveted Pacific Heights private San Francisco University High School, she's a Stanford legacy from her mom's side, she scored a 1580 on her SAT first try in Geneva Switzerland while training, is an expert piano player, fluent Mandarin speaker, (estranged dad went to Harvard), cross-country/long distance runner, upcoming-super-model, horseback rider, rock-climber, and brand ambassador for IWC Swiss watches, Tiffany Jewelry, Louis Vuitton and another 10 Chinese brands. She tweeted that she was nominated for the US Presidential Scholars program on Chinese social media Weibo App and I verified it Class of 2021 nominee from Nevada, Incline Village. Besides her investment banker mom who is a millionaire, she herself is a millionaire and probably on her way to become the wealthiest skier of all time surpassing Shaun White.

How are other teens and 18 year olds supposed to unpack all the accomplishments and accolades for this super-human who is RICH, BEAUTIFUL, GENIUS IQ, OLYMPIC ATHLETE, GLOBAL INFLUENCER?

Are we supposed to think of her as a real life Wonder Woman who can do it all? Or someone who was raised by a Tiger Mom who controlled her every activity from the time she was born and created this character who is now a Chinese Citizen but tells everyone she is an American when she is in America? If you haven't watched her press conference here is the link.


Or do we think she actually understands her role in global Geo-political landscape and is deliberately deflecting questions talking about the facts and her Chinese citizenship and doing this because it the payoff to her mom as a Chinese expert investment banker is privileged access to billions of business through the Fusion VC investment fund she works for in Silicon Valley. Has she been groom by the Pres. Xi's communist party for the last 3 years to be an expert spokesperson for being a healer, someone trying to unite the East and the West? I don't think someone 18, could have deflected a battery of press corp questions with such expediency and swift dismissal and expert pivoting. No tenured journalist got their questions answered. All I heard was 'blah blah blah, I'm a happy teen loving my life, cry ab it bit#ches....you are not going to win the Olympics.

I personally don't know what to think. She's kind of an alien to me like one of the Kardashians but smarter, more beautiful and more talented. I don't want to look, admire or be jealous of her but how can you not pay attention to someone like that. I think we all wish we lived in fancy neighborhoods and unlimited fund to pursue our hobbies and sports, went to private schools and got multi-million dollar modelling contracts but this is on completely different scale. I'm sure when Brooke Shields went to Princeton or when Emma Watson went to Brown or Natalie Portman went to Harvard it was not that big of deal because it was like another pretty rich White model/actress who reads a lot get into the Ivy league, no biggie. But when you have a global celebrity that rescinds her nationality and becomes a Chinese citizen when China has committed so many human rights violations to the Uyghur people over the past 70 years (millions affected) and continued to censor their people and monitor them like mindless worker ants, something doesn't sit right. How are young woke students supposed to look up to someone in the Ivory Tower that sees no evil, hears no evil and speaks no evil?

I step off my soap box. I want your take on this.

Eileen Gu is a role model for sure
Eileen Gu is a victim of her mom's ambitions
Eileen Gu is an opportunist who wants to be rich & powerful
Who's Eileen Gu? Who cares? I have my own problems.
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3 years ago

I think she is all three at the same time. I think she is a complicated person and it will be interesting to see if her true self will be revealed over time. No one is supposed to be that perfect. The pressure must be enormous and she must have an incredible capacity to filter out the noise and stay on task.


🎤3 years ago

An 18 year old bi-racial Californian gets into Stanford with a 1580 SAT, wins 3 Olympic medals including 2 Golds, and 42% of CV readers have no clue who she is. That's kind of pathetic.


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