I am just really anxious about my school results.
I have applied to total of 8 different school, 4 early action and 4 regular decision.
I have gotten into 3 EA schools and deferred in 1 (which is not my favored choice).
But I am really nervous and anxious about my regular decision schools.
I really want to attend these school and they are the most perfect fit for me-in any perspective.
The school that I really want to go into is Emory University and Cornell University.
I am not sure if I can get in there by my stats, and my college percent calculation saids I have 24% for Cornell and 39% for Emory.
maybe a negative factor: I moved 3 times in my 4 years of high school life so my extracurriculars are not done in a long period of time...
Also an asian girl trying to major in bio
Any advice to get rid of this anxiety and focus on my APs instead?
hi girly <3
listen when I tell you, it may seem like so much stress and anxiety right now, but it's going to be ok.
think about it.
you've gotten into three colleges, so even if you don't get into this college, it's going to be ok and it's not the end of the world.
you're done with college applications!! let the next step of your life begin, and it's going to start off in a crazy and fun new way no matter what school you go to.
It's your last year of high school :) Focus on the AP's, but also keep reminding yourself that this is the last year before everything changes and a new path starts. Have fun and enjoy yourself.
As for preventing anxiety, constantly reminding yourself of these things may not work, but there are a number of other ways to work on it. Talk to someone you trust :) It may sound stupid, but talking to a friend or loved one or a trusted person can really ease worries.
Journal! Draw! Write! Sing! Dance! Doesn't matter, do what makes you happy.
But in the end, it's going to be okay babe. If you don't get into the colleges you want, it's going to suck and hurt a lot, but it's still going to be okay. You still got into college. In the end, it's where you're going that matters, the details of the school you went to matter a lot less, because you're going to do great things.
Good luck :)
Hi @Christine918!
Congratulations on getting into your EA schools! I think you're actually in a better place than most students right now, because at the very least you've already gotten into some schools that (you sound like) you're interested in.
Those acceptances are a good sign: it means there are no glaring red flags on your profile that would prevent colleges from accepting you. As for your chances of getting into Cornell, Emory, or having moved too much in high school — I wouldn't worry about it.
Instead, try distracting yourself by focusing more on high school. This can mean coursework, but I'd also include extracurriculars and your social life — basically, any opportunities you want to take before you graduate. April and then June will come around before you know it.
Here's an essay on "structured procrastination" that I think could help: http://www.structuredprocrastination.com/
Whenever you're starting to feel overwhelmed about incoming decisions, think about something more fulfilling that you could be doing with that energy instead.
Hope that helps! And good luck!
Logically and practically there is no reason to stress over something you have no control of for the next 6-7 weeks right. You can't influence the college decisions process once you've submitted your application.
And it makes no sense to find reasons why your application would be rejected or wait-listed either. That just seems self-sabotaging and unhealthy.
If you are a good fit for Emory or Cornell, I'm sure the outcome will be positive. If you are not, don't take it personally but use it as learning moment and you need to focus on what is in front of you and achievable.
The important thing after this college decision process is over, is to select a school that you like and likes you back. Then give it a try. It not like an arranged marriage. If you don't like your new school, you can plan on transferring to Emory or Cornell. Their transfer rates a better than their first time freshman acceptance rates. I think it's like 15% for Cornell and 22% for Emory. And you don't need a 4.0 college GPA. I think a 3.5 would be just about good enough. So do what I'm telling you, have a back up plan B. I think transferring would be a good Plan B don't you think?
Use this last semester to self care, and keep busy. I'm not sure what your intention is with worrying about APs. I think it's good to keep doing what you've been doing and getting good grades but it's completely optional at this point to take the AP exams. I would only take the exams where you know you'll get a 4 or 5 and some college credit. Many seniors sign up for 4-6 APs and cram studying for them and barely get 2s and 3s. Some even get 1s. That's a complete waste of your time just to take a test because you paid for the exam fee. I think I paid for 5 APs senior year and took 3 and got 2 (5s) and 1(4) and I was happy.
The more time you waste worrying about something completely out of your control the more disappointed you will be if you don't get in. So don't set yourself up for major disappointment. Rather, just focus on being your best version of yourself and think than these outcomes will be what they will be and you'll be Okay no matter what.
I convinced myself that I was supposed to go to MIT. We visited MIT, I watched the videos and subscribed to quirky Nina Wang and thought hmmm. I'm going to fit in perfectly. But I didn't get into MIT, I got into Columbia. So it's all good. Maybe I'll apply to MIT for grad school. No biggie. It's just a school, not the end all and be all of my happiness and future opportunities. I own that.
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