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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Does a WP (Withdraw Pass) look bad on my highschool transcript?

This is my first time withdrawing from a class. This semester, I decided to take 3 APs and 1 honors class. I excell in 3, but I am dooing poorly in 1 of the AP's, AP World. It is causing me a lot of stress and I just don't have enough time to devote to it because of after school activities. Is it better to finish AP World with a B or just drop the course and replace it with an easier course?


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2 answers

3 years ago

I would suspect that a WP would look worse on your transcript than a B. Admissions officers don't necessarily know if that WP is standing in for a B, C, or even a D. As CameronBameron said, course rigor is often extremely important to colleges - getting a B in an AP level course is very different from getting a B in a regular level course. Not to mention, if you're early in your high school career, one B is nothing. You have plenty of time to adjust your courses in the future and make sure they're balanced enough for you to uphold a straight-A record regardless of your after school activities. Besides, even if you aren't early in your high school career, one B isn't going to make or break your admissions chances at 99% of colleges (even the Ivies).

I'm not sure what your after school activities are, but I do agree that if they aren't very high level, it might be time to consider swapping some out if possible. A more specifically-chosen EC with close ties to your desired major that takes up less time is more meaningful than lots of random ECs that take up lots of time. If you can't easily get out of them, however, rest assured that colleges will take this into account. I have a lower GPA as I have been working multiple jobs for income since sophomore year, and I have still been accepted to several universities whose average GPA is much higher than mine. So - they will take notice of your situation and respond accordingly.

Consider also taking this up with your AP World teacher. If you go to them in person and have a meaningful discussion about how important your academics are to you and what your situation is like, they might be willing to hear you out and offer you some remedial opportunities to make up for lost ground. Some of mine have in the past!

Best of luck. You've got this!!

3 years ago

Clearly course rigor (academics) are more important than ECs, so I would be wary about switching out of an AP because of after schools activities. It's better to drop the after school thing(s) that causes the conflict.

During my senior year, although I was the team captain of the girls Water Polo team, the school district closed all the pools as we had no WP practice or games. This turned out to be a windfall benefit because the extra 20 hours I had recovered helped me thrive in all my classes and my leadership roles both in school and in my community. I feel that my laser focus was recognized by admissions officers and helped in get accepted to Columbia. At some point in your life, you have to cut your losses and focus on what's important. Unfortunately the time might be now for you to make some hard choices.

Good luck.

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