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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

How is my Grading System?

My New Schools Grading System is completely different then to what I’m use to and really hard compared to any other school in My country.

A = 100-92

B = 91 - 82

C = 81 - 72

D = 71 - 68

Is this grading system reasonable ?


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

My cousin attends a preparatory school, and, as such, it has a rigorous grading scale:

A+ = 100% - 98%

A = 97.99% - 92.01%

A- = 92-90%

B+ = 89.99% - 88%

B = 87.99% - 82.01%

B- = 82% - 80%

C+ = 79.99% - 78%

C = 77.99% - 72.01%

C- = 72% - 70%

NC (Fail & retake course) = 69.99% - 0%

His school hasn't had D letter grades since he first attended that school, and it's just been replaced by a NC (No Credit) which is comparatively worse than an F.

However, even with my cousin usually being dumber than a box of rocks and somehow attending possibly the most rigorous high school in my state, he has a 3.98 on a 4.0 scale (nearly all A+'s).

Thus, I'd say your new school will take some getting used to - like any new school - but you'll most likely find study tools, learning strategies, and possibly a study group that shares the same academic inclinations as you, as my cousin did. It worked out for him in one of the harshest high schools in the state, so why not for you in one with a less harsh system? Good luck.

3 years ago

I do not know about your previous country; however, this is considered a pretty normal grading system, apart from the lack of - and +'s

3 years ago

My school (America)

A = 90 - 100

B = 80 - 89

C = 70 - 79

D = 60 - 69

E/F = 0 - 59

Most schools will deem Ds and Fs a fail, at my school only F is considered a fail. Also, grades are automatically rounded to the nearest whole number, so you can get an 89.5 and an A, or conversely, an 89.4 and a B. Interestingly, different teachers consider different test scores a fail, some still consider a 69 and below a fail, but my AP Physics teacher only allows reassessments for 59 and below.

3 years ago

I go to an American school system, and this is our grading system:

100-97 A+

96-93 A

92-90 A-

89-87 B+

86-83 B

82-80 B-

79-77 C+

76-73 C

72-70 C-

70-65 D

65-0 F

Compared to your system, our school system is harsher, so I believe yours is reasonable. However, certain factors such as courseload and rigor could make your system more or less reasonable:

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SAT: 720 math
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