4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I learn some of the math for next year? Or should I review math I learned this year over the summer?

So I was wondering, should I learn some of the math i'm doing next year. Or should I just review the math I learned this year? Is it even necessary to do either. I just don't want the math I learned to slip away. I was able to hold an A - A+ throughout the year in my math class. Last year I was getting a C - B in my math class, but I turned my grades around in math! I improved immensely over the summer. I just reviewed the math I had learned that year (3-4 hours a day of review, I actually got really frustrated because I struggled with that math, which I think was me improving ...?) But this year the math I did was relativity easy for me to wrap my head around so I don't know whether to do math for next year, review math from this year or do a combination of both (20% of this years math, 80% of next years math)

Also: If it's not to much to ask how much time do you think I should spend on the math each day over the summer (I think I over did it last year :')

I apologize if my questions was a bit random. I really appreciate if you answered or even read my question! Thank you!

@IngridB3 years ago

I think that you should pay more attention to math if you're going to enter a tech university. I often use https://plainmath.net/secondary to get some answers on complicated issues concerning this subject. I think it can also be helpful for you. For me, math is a hard subject, but at the same time interesting.

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4 answers

4 years ago[edited]


4 years ago

I think this is great, it is never too early to study next years material. I think 1-2 hours every other day for 20% previous years and 80% next years content should help you a lot! Remember that summer is fun, so don't stress out if you can't completely understand a concept, and make sure to have fun! Do you have any tips for doing this? I'm going from a Calc A based class to BC calc and was able to hold an A- this year but I struggled, any advice for this?

4 years ago

First off, good job with all of the hard work! I think you should do a bit of research about the curriculum of your math course next year. If it builds upon the previous concepts you've learned in your last math course, then review them a little. If not, then try to find a youtube channel that goes over the material (like a teacher that makes review videos about the course, for example) and go through a lesson or two a day! You don't need to speed through the entire course (in my opinion, you should still have time to have free time and discover yourself and your own hobbies during the summer), just study around 1-3 hours a day so that you can get ahead for the school year.

I hope that helps!!

4 years ago[edited]

I used to do this too! I've never been great at math, but I have always managed to get between Bs to A+s (up until AP Calc, where I managed a steady D before I dropped it). I tend to forget a lot of stuff over the summer, especially in math, so my dad would have me practice math that I had just learned that year, and I would use resources like Khan Academy to get a feel for the math I was going to learn the next school year. Practicing math you already know how to do is a really good habit to get into. I would probably do at the very least an hour or two of math a day. Split it up between old and new math however you feel will make next year's class easiest for you.

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