2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I take geometry over the summer so I can take Algebra2/trig in 9th grade?

I have a 4.0 GPA.


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5 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I think taking geometry over the summer is not a bad idea at all, as long as you are doing fine in math right now and you have noticed that you can grasp mathematical concepts easily. I'm not sure about where you live, but for where I live the summer courses are fast paced (one year worth of learning in one month). But, this really depends on where you live and how comfortable you feel with understanding mathematical concepts! If you do end up taking geometry over the summer, make sure to really understand the basics as you will use that foundation for trig in the future.

2 years ago

If you have the opportunity to improve your math narrative then you should. You should be a aware that all top colleges expect you to take math each of your 4 years of HS. So maybe your 4 years would Algebra 2, Pre-Calc, Calc A/B or (B/C), Mutlivariable Calc.

Good luck

2 years ago

If you feel ready, especially if you see yourself using math in your future career, absolutely! Just keep in mind, as @CameronBameron said, the two possible paths that lay before you, and that you will have to take multivariable calc senior year to have 4 years of math for college apps.

You should probably take a preparatory (virtual) course for algebra 2/trig after you're done with geometry before 9th grade, too. It might be overwhelming to find yourself in a class of 10th graders who took the course over 9-10 months vs 2-3 months and may have a deeper understanding of the material. Entering with as much prerequisite knowledge as possible is the best way to set yourself up for success.

2 years ago


This really depends on your end goal for a math course as well as your school's math pathway. I highly discourage you to skip a year of math at the end of your high school career as this could be viewed negatively by colleges. If you are skilled in math and want to take as many classes as possible, take geometry over the summer. If you only want to skip math senior year, don't take geometry over the summer.

Hope this helped! Good luck.

2 years ago

As long as you know you can handle it you should go for it. Trust me it feels very nice to not have to take math your last year. In your case you wouldn’t have to take it your junior or senior year. Good luck 👍🏽.

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