I am applying to top 50-75 schools. I am really bad at writing, especially college essays. I don't even know what to write about. It just seems like my life is boring and nothing interesting is there for me to write about. So, I wanted to know how much it will hurt me if I have a bad college essay?
Since 95%+ of colleges have gone test optional, more and more weight today is placed on what's left which is academics, ECs and your essays. One could arguably say that that if your academics (grades, course rigor, test scores, intellectual vitality) are 50%, the ECs (leadership, community service, sports, clubs) might be 30% and the remaining essays/recommendations would be 20%. So if you are a poor writer and communicator you really shouldn't be applying to 50-75 schools. It will be a futile experience.
I would highly recommend if you are a 10th or 11th grader, that you use your summers wisely and take some supplemental writing courses perhaps online or at your local community college. Curating and word-smithing a compelling essay is a key factor to getting accepted by your college of choice. If you are applying to top colleges, you do not get a pass for poor essays, you get a rejection.
Good luck and take my advice. You will always benefit from being a good writer regardless of what you choose to be in life or your educational path.
common app has a limit of 20. what app are you using?
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