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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

College Courses - Dual Enrollment

Hi, I'm a current 8th grader. I am scheduled to finish all the math courses offered at my school at about 10th grade(probably 9th). How do I enroll in college courses or such that are accepted as a year of math?

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5 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Hello! I am a sophomore, and currently, I am taking my last required math. After this, I am going on to take AP and Dual Enrollment courses as well. At my school, there is a woman who works for the college but stays at the high school. If there is no one like this at your school, talk to your guidance counselor. One thing that has helped me tremendously is asking my guidance counselor to help me set up a 4-year plan. Your freshman year, ask to have a course plan set up so you know which classes to take and the requirements they would fill. I highly recommend you to take a math credit every year, even if you have met all requirements for graduation.

3 years ago

Hi! I am currently a 10th grader and I am planning on doing dual enrollment this coming fall. Technucally, after this school year I will have all of my required math credits to graduate high school. Depending on your school, you may need 3-4 credits (6-8 semesters). I would reach out to your counselor currently and see if they can answer any questions. Most high school and dual enrollment programs aren’t available until 11th grade, so you have a lot of time a head of you! For my personal dual enrollment, a certain number if credit hours is equal to one high school credit. For me itd 3-4 credit hours equal 0.5 high school credit, and 5-6 credit hours equal 1 high school credit. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

All the best.

3 years ago[edited]

For dual enrollment you should go to your school counselor and ask if they offer the program (which covers expenses and books etc) or a local college and see of you can do it. I believe for school that you also have above a certain gpa for my school its a 2.0 or a 3.0 available for grades 9-12.

3 years ago

The best way for you to do that would likely be to talk to your counselor about any local colleges that may be partnered with your high school to provide dual enrollment courses. Your middle school counselor should know at least a little about this and when you get into ninth grade this would be a great thing to ask your high school counselor about. You might also consider taking AP courses if your school offers them as these often are weighted slightly better on college applications. I hoped this was helpful :)

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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