Hi! I’m currently a junior and basically only take APs in social studies, english, and spanish classes. I’m currently in Calc right now, and I was wondering should I take AP calculus next year? I am undecided on a college major but would rather not do something too math/science-y like premed, engineering, etc and don’t want to take a math class in college if i can avoid it, same with a physics class in college. Would physics look good for applications or would it not really matter? I’m not really looking at top schools but am aiming for more prestigious public and some private schools. Thank you for any advice!
I'd say that taking AP Calculus could be a good choice for you for several reasons. First, taking AP Calc would place you out of core math classes in any major track, even if you chose to major in a STEM subject. Physics, however, would not give you college credit unless you studied it up until the more challenging AP level. AP Calc would likely be easier for you since you are currently taking calculus.
In terms of which class would look better for your applications, I would also go with AP Calc. Its AP level could demonstrate your academic rigor, and an understanding of calculus is applicable to a wider range of fields than physics is. Hope this helps!
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Thank you for your insight! Definitely very helpful!