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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What classes should I take senior year?

Hi! I am currently working on creating my schedule for senior year and I am torn between AP Physics and AP Chemistry what do you guys think? At my school many people do not like our physics teacher because she is not the best teacher, but others also complain about the chem teacher (I have already had her for honors chemistry and she is not that bad) so I am a little bit torn so what are your opinions on the courses and rigger I am currently in AP bio now if that makes a difference.


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

In AP Physics, you should know calculus, otherwise it would be kind of hard. In AP Chemistry, you have to have a background in Chemistry, which you already implied. In a general level, AP Chemistry is one of the most difficult AP classes. This, of course, depends on whether you like chemistry or not. AP Physics is also considered a hard class. In the end, if you think the chemistry teacher isn't that bad, then you should take AP Chemistry. However, if you don't really like chemistry and are good in math, you should take AP Physics. Listen to rumors, but also do your own research.

3 years ago

I think you should take AP Chem. I am in both as of now and physics is much much harder than chem. With your background in biology chem is the better option! Good luck in whatever you take!

3 years ago

AP Chem would be a better option for you because if you are already taking a class with the teacher who will be teaching next year's class, your life will be made easier because of the resources she can provide you. I took AP Chem, and it was a tough class, but my teacher was amazing, and I passed the class with an A. (YouTube will be a big help). I was in Physics C for two weeks at the beginning of this school year but switched because I have taken Bio, Honors Chem, and AP Chem for the past three years, so it was a better choice to take another class that was more Chemistry and Bio, related class. And from what you are saying (and from my experience), I think you should take AP Chem.

Anyways have fun with your Senior Year : )

3 years ago

I am currently in physics and also completed chemistry in the past. I am of the belief that physics is a pretty difficult course. Depending on your work ethic and drive will determine wether or not you will be successful in this course. Whatever you choose just remember that you can do it!

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