3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Dual credit classes

I am going to be taking college classes in the coming fall during high school and will receive an AA degree by graduation. I was wondering which universities will accept dual credit courses. I currently only know of schools in my state (Washington) that will accept them. If you know any other states that do this that would be great!


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

I know for sure Florida does because I'm doing it right now.

3 years ago[edited]

Be careful about starting this because if you want to attend a Top college like an Ivy League, Elite College or Top Liberal Arts Colleges, these credits will most likely not be transferable on a 1 to 1 basis. Why? Because the DE standards at community colleges may not translate to AP or IB standards where the schools give you full or partial value depending on what your AP or IB test score is. For instance, you might get college credit for a 5 in AP Calc B/C but maybe zero for a 4 or less. Or some schools might give you full value for a 5 in AP French but only 1/2 value for a 4, and zero for 3 or less.

Dual credit AA degrees are best only if you want to stay in state and apply to the in-state colleges that accept them. Most top colleges want you to take their coursework or core curriculum if they have such as thing. Also DE AA degree programs are State and not National programs. I do not believe there is Intrastate Reciprocity between HS's that offer them and out of state colleges that accept them. So if you are doing a DE AA degree in Texas, only Texas colleges are going to give you full value. You can't apply to a Washington or Florida college from a Texas HS and expect them to give you a 2 year head start. Therefore, check all the schools that will accept your DE AA degree before you commit to the program. It sounds good but there is cost to it.

Good luck.

3 years ago

As others have said, there are few out-of-state schools that will give you credit for dual enrollment classes. If your goal is to study outside of Washington, it would be more advantageous for you to take AP or IB classes if you have the chance. This CollegeVine article can help you think through the different pros and cons between dual enrollment and AP/IB. Hope this helps!

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