2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Will not taking physics in high school lower my chances of getting into prestigious colleges? I wanna do ap chem+apbio

My junior year I plan to take AP chem, honors pre calc, honors spanish 3, ap lang, honors theology (which is a requirement at my school), and AP Psychology (with one study hall). I am debating to take honors physics my junior year as well but I’m scared that I might ruin my gpa. I don’t have enough room my senior year either as I plan to take calc ab, AP bio, AP stats, AP Gov, AP lit, AP Spanish, and honors theology (requirement). I won’t have a study senior year so there wouldn’t be enough room for honors physics. If I don’t take it junior year I won’t be able to take physics during my high school career. I want to go premed in college and major either in biology or chemistry. I don’t know if I should take honors physics next year (junior year) because I have heard that colleges like for students to take all 3 types of sciences (bio, chem, and physics), but I really want to do ap chem and ap bio.

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3 answers

2 years ago

Taking physics may be a good opportunity for you to become more well-versed in the sciences that you'll need to take on the Pre-Medicine track. However, your personal interest has more value than what a university may want. If you can maintain a high GPA with your selected courses then it will look much more impressive than being overwhelmed by taking another class (physics) during junior year and risking your grades dropping. Generally, take what interests you and try your best to excel at them!

2 years ago

My college counselor strongly recommended me to take physics, so I plan to in senior year. There are some schools that won't accept students who have not taken physics in high school. So even if you do not like the subject, it's better to take it to have all your options open.

2 years ago[edited]

Many schools have the requirements you need to apply listed somewhere on their website. I would advise you to look at a few of your top choices and try to find this. I’ve seen some that require taking physics in high school, 2-3 years of a language, etc. My personal advice is to take Physics at some point during your high school career. I am planning to become a Bio major as well and my guidance counselor told me I absolutely need to take physics to do that. I would also recommend having a chat with your guidance counselor or even your current science teacher to see what they say.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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