4 years ago
Admissions Advice

What Extracurriculars should I do if I plan on applying to Architecture school in MIT?

I'm a latin senior and want to know how to improve my extracurriculars applying for architecture. Also I want to know what is the minimum SAT score I should submit for MIT or Columbia.. considering my GPA is 3.93/4 and have a good set of extracurriculars (although obviously there's room for improvement) .I did my first practice test today and got a 1180, will I get to 1500 by September?

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4 answers

4 years ago

What Extracurriculars should I do if I plan on applying to Architecture school in MIT?

For architecture school, you will have to submit a portfolio of work so that means they want to see your artwork, your design work, and photography, and pictures of things you've made with a 3-D printer either practical or sculptural. Since everything is CAD-based, you want to show that you are really good at computers and software like drawing programs such as Adobe Suite or even better if you know Revit. Also, you should be good at math and have taken up to Calculus AB at a minimum. Some people think you should also take Physics since you need to know how physics works on buildings. If you want to add more, I would say have a good understanding of Art History as well.

Also I want to know what is the minimum SAT score I should submit for MIT or Columbia. I did my first practice test today and got a 1180, will I get to 1500 by September? Since both MIT and Columbia are graduate Architecture programs similar to Harvard GSD you probably should be applying to them as a HS senior to begin with. If you chose to apply to either, you will have apply as a Collge Grad with a 4-year degree from a very good school and have taken the GRE and submit a portfolio.

I would recommend you look into schools that are Undergraduate 5 years degree Architecture programs like Syracuse and Cornell which are Top 5 schools. Other good ones are SCI-ARC (Ca.), USC, CalPolySLO, RISD, RICE, U of Oregon, UT Austin, U Notre Dame, U of Miami, etc.

Regarding the SAT, you will only need a 1500 at Cornell, RICE, U NotreDame. Other schools shoot for a 1350-1450 since Architecture school is more competitive than the Arts and Sciences colleges.

Since you are already a senior you don't have much time to prep for the SAT. If I were you I'd pay to take a crash course to bring your score up 200 points. Otherwise, you aren't going to make it this round.

4 years ago

Both MIT and Columbia Architecture schools are primarily Graduate programs so keep that in mind.

While you can get a 4-year degree in Architecture it will not qualify you to sit for the NCARB exams.

If you go undergraduate to MIT or Columbia you would still have to augment your BS in Architecture with a MS in Architecture, another 2 year degree. This MS Arch. is equivalent to the 5 years accelerated B Architecture which is what Cornell and Syracuse architecture students graduate with after attending a full 5 years. So if you want to be an architect faster and save a full year, just apply to an accredited 5 years architecture program.


4 years ago

1500 is a good score for elite colleges but I would suggest aiming a bit higher like 1550. With regards to the time, you definitely can improve!!! 3 months is a great time to put some good practice work.

With regards to the extracurricular, you should search for activities related to architecture or design in order to create cohesion within your application! You can do online courses or self-driven activities in these Quarantine times!

4 years ago[edited]


What are your chances of acceptance?
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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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