2 years ago
Admissions Advice

What kind of summer activity could I do while in Europe for six weeks?

I am currently a sophomore and I know the importance of summer activities to bolster college applications. However, my parents have their sabbatical this summer so I'm going to be in Europe for six weeks. What kind of summer activities should I look for with this in mind? Something remote/asynchronous?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

We’ll, for starters, you’ll be in Europe. Go out and enjoy yourself, a break every once in a while is needed! You could also do a passion project, which I’ve heard colleges are interested in seeing. If you’re interested in Art, History, or even Art History, Europe is a great place to learn about both of those topics. You can go on historical tours led by guides or self guided historical tours. If that’s not your thing… if you’re interested in Writing, you can start a travel blog and update it based on where you go and what you see. Photography, you can take photos of literally anything. Linguistics, learn some European languages and try to speak with some natives there. The opportunities are endless, to be honest. You could also research colleges in Europe that might have some summer courses. I wouldn’t confine myself to a computer screen to take online classes over a vacation in Europe unless you either 1) love the class or 2) you’ve been to Europe and have seen it all already. Enjoy your trip and safe travels!

2 years ago

Take online classes

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