Last December, I, like many, was deferred to the regular decision cycle and sent my Letter of Continued Interest with the newest updates to that date. However, since then, I have been through new situations and received new honors and awards. Is it okay if I send another letter stating the latest updates or will it jeopardize my chances in any way?
For context, I'm a Brazilian student and graduated in 2021 (different school year) in a professional high school with a degree in informatics.
- In January, I was notified that I received a Bronze Medal in the Brazilian Math Olympiad, being the only medalist in my town.
- In February, the National High School Exam scores came out and I received a 920/1000 on the essay portion, the best score in my graduating class.
Because of that, a week later, my school's administration invited me back for the 10th and 11th grades orientations, and families' orientation, so I could supervise the students' orientation process and speak about my experiences, goals, and the importance of student protagonist and parental support.
- During the Brazilian Carnival Holiday, I took an unpaid course on Faith & Science with two prominent Brazilian scientists, but they were not giving out certificates (I have two autographed books though lol).
- In March, my research thesis on the usage and impact of Information and Communication Technologies in local public high schools was published. The research itself was required by my school and the government because of the professional degree, but me and my group getting it published was not. I've already talked about how I was trying to and then talking to the publishing magazine on my Common App and LOCI, respectively. This would be the final update on my research.
- Just this Sunday, I was promoted to Children Ministry co-director at my church after a while of being a Teaching Assistant and later teacher.
My application talked about my love for Science, Education, my faith, and my leadership roles. I think these updates would align well with that profile, but I'm afraid that a second letter might be too much, maybe even "annoying." What should I do?
Hi, thank you for asking your question. Unfortunately, may colleges have likely made their final admissions decisions and are pending sending out this information to applicants. That being said, it never hurts to send an additional portfolio update to the college that waitlisted you. It seems like you have made great progress in your ECs, congratulations!
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