I recently got my transcript back and I had A's, B's, and C's in a couple of my advanced/AP classes. I had C's in AP human and some random C's in math (weren't consistent C's mainly B's with occasional C) along with a few scattered B's in my other courses but I was wondering if this could ruin my chances of getting into my prospective schools like Rice or Baylor?
Considering that you are a junior, having C's on your transcipt will most likely harm you for college admissions to highly selective schools; it is not the end of the world though - just make sure you keep working hard to get mostly A's and B's your second semester as colleges love to see an upward trend. You could also explain your grades in your college application, if there was an extenuating circumstance that caused your grades to dip. Good luck and remember, most colleges practice holistic admissions, so factors other than your GPA (essays, EC's, LOR's) will also play a part.
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