I am a very hardworking student, and throughout my one and half years of high school, I have had all A's. I have a 4.6216 weighted GPA out of 4.00. My PSAT was 1220, not great, but I am taking the SAT next month. However, since my parents work full-time, I have to come home on the bus each day and take care of our two dogs, including a puppy. I don't have NO extracurriculars, since I have like a Student Liasion for my high school on the city's Character Counts Coalition, I am a coach of a baseball team in the community, I am a part of 2 honors societies, and a member of a volunteer-based non-profit called WheelsforAll. I am also the Student Lead Volunteer at our school district's monthly food pantry. Most of mine are out of school, but all these applicants seem to have major roles in school extracurriculars like varsity sports or student government. I don't.
I just feel like that isn't enough to get me into my dream schools, Notre Dame, Northwestern, and UMich. I feel that I should be fine getting into Purdue/UIUC/Wisconsin. I am interested in either education (math), data science, CS, engineering, etc. I don't want to feel like I am decreasing my chances because of an unfortunate family situation. Is my extracurricular list enough you think to get me in?
Thanks for your advice everyone!
I think you are being a little too confident thinking you'll be fine getting into Purdue/UIUC/UW. I am not saying this because you are under qualified but Purdue/UIUC/UW are some of the top CS programs in the country, and while the overall acceptance rates for these schools might be high, don't get fooled by them as CS and engineering are a lot more competitive to get in.
Greetings ryanmcohs2023,
Your dream schools are all in the top 25 of the US News Rankings. For an answer to your question and then more, please read this article and align your extracurriculars/high school plan accordingly:
P.S. Colleges will not put an unfortunate family situation against you. They will not hold you accountable for opportunities you did not have available. And if you haven't already, use Collegevine's Chancing Calculator.
Eric B.
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