My gpa is pretty average by the end of Junior Year but in the first semester of Senior year my gpa can increase by a bit and it looks way better. If I apply regular decision and my school sends the mid year transcript would colleges see my new updated gpa due to the first semester of Senior year? and if so, would their decision be based on that new gpa?
If you apply RD, then colleges will have an extra semester of grades to evaluate on your transcript. If you work hard and get all As during your 1st semester or 1st 2 trimesters depending on where you go to school, then college admissions officers will recognize that upward trend in your grades and take that positive growth into consideration.
Keep in mind that UWGPA or WGPA is cumulative not singular so if you have a 3.5 GPA at the end of Jr. year and 4.0 during the 1st 12th grade semester, they are not looking at either but the blended cumulative GPA which might be closer to 3.625 if that makes sense.
They will also evaluate your upward trend with other academic markers like "course rigor", "test scores", "evidence of intellectual curiosity/vitality", and "rank" if your school uses rank.
So their decision is not based on that isolated improvement within your 12th grade but rather many movable parts that form your academic narrative. This kind of evaluation is what a "holistic" academic review entails.
Hope this makes sense and good luck.
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