3 years ago
Admissions Advice

How to make up for being in a lower math level


So I am currently a junior in hs taking both Calc AB and AP Stats this year. I am in a lower math level, the highest being in BC calc this year, and I am not taking BC calc until next year and not multivariable calc next year. Will my 800 math SAT score make up for not being in the highest math level? If not, how could I make up for that?

(I am a prospective economics major, but I could apply as a history major and it would still make sense based on my ec's)



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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Don't worry about this. You have options.

1. Do nothing because most Business Majors even at Wharton have not taken Calc BC or MV Calculus. If you are applying CalTech, MIT or plan on being a Math, STEM major then sure you are 90% there. But since you are applying as an Econ major, not even a Finance Major, then you are good. BTW, until you get to learning about quantitative finance and option pricing models, you are not going to use any calculus anyway.

2. You can take Calc B/C over the Summer, and take MV Calc senior year.

3. You can take Calc B/C senior year and skip the MV Calc.

Since you are applying to Wharton, or Huntsman or both, I would save some bandwidth for your "spike" EC (S) or whatever you are doing outside of school as your "wow" factor because that's perhaps more important that whether you complete B/C or not.

The History major thought less than 9 months to RD deadline is not a good idea. That's not arbitrary path mainly because you don't want to have to re-apply to Wharton/Huntsman after 2 or 3 Arts and Sciences semesters. It will put a lot of pressure on your to get straight As during Freshman/Soph year.

Good luck.

3 years ago

Going beyond AP Calculus BC will certainly be seen as an achievement by colleges! Even prospective STEM majors at schools that offer many advanced classes do not reach the multivariable level. Your perfect score on the SAT math section will only help you too.

Your math level definitely qualifies you to apply as an economics major. If your school offers AP Micro or Macro, make sure to take at least one of those classes as well. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

Good Afternoon,

As you are not planning to go into a strictly STEM major, not being in the highest-level math class is not as important. Colleges want to see you pushing and challenging yourself for sure, but mostly in the field you want to pursue. Also, since you will potentially be taking three AP math classes, and have a perfect score on the math SAT, you are in no way undesirable to colleges just because you didn't take the highest math class. However, if you still want to take multivariable calculus next year, you might consider taking AP Calculus BC over the summer (at your school or through another accredited institution).

Hopefully, this was helpful to you and I wish you luck with your future endeavors!

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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