3 years ago
Admissions Advice

If I get into varsity in senior year does it count for the collage aplication?

the volleyball season is after we have to nd our collage applications and I don't know if the collages can see it or not.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago[edited]

Getting into a varsity sport only for senior year doesn't count for much, especially if it's a Winter or Spring sport like Volleyball versus a Fall Sport like XCountry or Tennis or Football.

With regards to sports, colleges want to assess if you are recruitment material and usually they have their scouts out keeping tabs of the best athletes in every sport. If you do not compete on that level then colleges want to see if how far you have improved over time in your EC Sport and whether you achieved a leadership position like team captain.

Nevertheless, you should put it down on your common app ECs when you apply.

Good luck.

3 years ago

You can put down volleyball as one of your ECs and then mention in your description that you will begin at the varsity level during your senior year. If you receive any significant awards later on during your time as a varsity athlete, you can update colleges by contacting their admissions offices. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

If it wasn't on your college apps but you have NOT gotten an admissions decision yet, most colleges will have an application amendment form or an admissions email that you can contact. It probably will not sway their decision too much, so I would not worry too much regardless of what you decide to do, but if you feel like you have an otherwise poor application I would personally reach out to them if it were me.

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