I currently have a 3.6 GPA, so a B+ average. I have two years of high school left, next year I plan to take 3 AP's, and 2 Honors classes, along with a college level course. Assuming I raise my letter average to A's, is it possible to raise my GPA to at least a 3.9? Nothing wrong with a 3.6, but I'd like to have a higher GPA so I can better my chances with the Ivies + UChicago/NYU
I'm not exactly sure how the GPA math works out/what the formula is, so I am completely in the dark here.
Any help appreciated! xx
If you have a 3.6 now, this means you have earned 7.2 over 2 years divided by 2 =3.6
If you get a 4.0 for 2 more years, you will have 15.2 total points. 15.2/4 = 3.8 MAX
Keep in mind that you will be applying to college either ED or RD. If you are applying ED, you will only have 6 semesters of grades so your UWGPA will max out at 3.73 and if you apply RD you will have 7 semesters of grades so your UWGPA will max out at 3.77.
Your only option to improve your UWGPA is to enroll in summer school so you have more courses to take. You will be more impressive if you take between 8 and 12 APs total. Taking 3 will not really cut if you are applying to Ivies, UChicago, NYU.
I would start prepping for the SAT/ACT this summer and keep at it. Since your GPA can't be that competitive, have a 34+ACT or 1520+SAT is where you want to be if you are applying to better schools.
Good luck.
Another thing to keep in mind is that if you have grades from any classes that are really low, retaking them in the summer or in the next two years before you apply to college (if you have space in your schedule) may increase your GPA significantly (along with maintaining A's in your remaining years in high school).
Your gpa is an average of all your grades starting from middle school (it may be high school but im not sure) I think it could be possible if you try really hard considering you have two years left but it will be hard.
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No, the GPA that one submits for their college application is the average of all the grades on one's high school transcript (only the grades earned from high school classes). If one took classes in middle school that gave high school credit (e.g. high school level math, foreign language) then the grade(s) earned in that/those class(es) will also be on one's high school transcript.