I'm a Caribbean student currently doing CAPE which I've heard is equivalent to the IB so would the CAPE courses also be equivalent to IB/AP/honours classes? I wanna know if I can count these under the coursework section of my profile
While CAPE courses are good and interesting, they are definitely not the equivalent of the International Baccalaureate program or Advanced Placement courses. CAPE courses include standard things like Biology and Chemistry but they also include a lot of vocational coursework like Animation/Game Design, Agricultural Science, Accounting, Caribbean Studies, Digital Media, Food and Nutrition, Physical Education, Tourism, Logistics/Supply Chain, Green Engineering. Therefore they don't map 1 to 1 into IBs/APs. Also many NON-Caribbean colleges do not categorize them as college level courses.
IBs and APs are college level coursework which are CORE Requirement classes like English, Calculus, World History, Languages. They are recognized at many of the top universities in the world and in many cases, give applicants a head start because if they score top marks, they can receive college credit.
If you are someone who wants to apply to TOP US or UK universities, I would focus less on the non-core classes and take the hardest available coursework you can find in your country.
Hope that helps.
Good luck.
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