3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Orchestra as an Extracurricular

Hello! I just had a question about what I have heard about playing the violin. I primarily thought that it would be a great extracurricular, considering that I am at an advanced level within it, however, I have heard that music cannot make a difference in the college resume. How important is orchestra and how much of a difference does it make to universities, especially higher level ones such as Ivy Leagues? Thank you so much, I appreciate the help in advance.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hi! I think that any extracurricular, whether it be music or something else, is important for college. I think that if you're at such an advanced level, you should try out for first chair or honor band. I'm a flautist (flutist) at my school's wind ensemble and there's also some leadership aspects within the ensemble that can probably greater impact college resumes. If you do make honor band or something similar to that, you can put that as an accomplishment on your resume.

I hope you still do orchestra because you like being in it, not just only because you think it helps your college resume. Hope I helped! :)

3 years ago[edited]

Colleges like to see that you were invested in things outside of schoolwork so orchestra would definitely count! If you want to get into a Top school or Ivy however, you should strive for the highest level that a violin player can achieve. Like best in state or start your own music group, etc. Ive played piano for 12 years but I feel like if I had done music competitions my current college application would be much more rigorous. Maybe look for violin competitions to compete in in your area or be the top violinist in your orchestra (not sure if there’s a such thing lol).

3 years ago

The level you play at makes a difference. If you don't practice often and are not invested in it, then it won't look good on your part. If you enjoy playing in orchestra and achieve a high level of playing, then it makes a difference. Your dedication level will show the school if you will be dedicated to any clubs and classes you take there.

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