3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Which AP classes to take (Planning to major in something medicine related)?

heyo! When choosing my electives (I'm a high school sophomore), I have an extra space that could be occupied by any AP class that doesn't require other AP requisites (basically the only one I can't take is AP Research). I'm currently debating between AP Human Geography or AP Psychology, however, I personally believe both would be beneficial later. I enjoy both quite a bit and take great interest, but I am torn between the two. AP Human Geo would be quite easy, considering that I am taking a Comparative World Studies course that relates to it quite a bit, however, I have heard that AP Pysch would be useful in transferring to college credit, because most majors require a Psychology course anyway. Both would also be quite useful for a biology or medicine major. In addition, I already plan on taking AP Biology and AP Chemistry next year as well. Which class should I choose, or is there a different AP class that I should take instead? Thank you so much!


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

I would also recommend AP Psychology. It is similar in difficulty to AP Human Geography, but the subject matter and college credit will be more applicable to you. The only class which could help you out more would be AP Research, the class you can't take, since it give you medicine-related research experience. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

I would take AP Psychology. It meets the requirements for many intro to psych classes youll have to take for premed. Also, I believe it’s more rigorous than AP human geo since AP human geo is typically a freshman class (at my school it is).

3 years ago

AP Psych for sure. A huge part of it is learning all the parts of the brain and their roles. It also allows you to practically apply those concepts in different situations. And it's just super interesting stuff!

3 years ago

I would say ap psychology. Ap human geography is more about how people more about well geography, so if you want to major in something agriculture or human history related take that. I would say if you are majoring in the med field ap pysch is a good class to take. At least at my school that course was easy and you mainly just learned about yourself and people like Freud.

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