Johns Hopkins University Class of 2026 Acceptance Rate stays relatively flat at 6.48%
Class of 2025 vs Class of 2026
First-year applications 37150 vs 38513 (3.5% decrease)
First-year admits 2408 vs 2476 (Actual Admit Number)
Percentage admitted 6.48% vs 6.43%
20% of Admits were First Generation Applicants. No info on diversity stats or Low Income applicants.
I assume they waitlisted a lot of people as well.
Probably. Lets see. A total of 1337 matriculated out out of a admit class of 2476 but remember that 824 had to commit as ED applicants so that means that only 513 spots were available which includes the pool of 1652 RD admits and the 3400 Wait-list pool (a ridiculously high number). Lets say 25% of RD enrolled (25% yield rate) that means 413 RD students which leaves 100 out of 3400 that got picked off the waitlist. That is only 2.9% admit rate off the waitlist. This clearly means that most people that apply to JHU RD really don't want to go there, it's just a back up school.
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