3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Why am I being waitlisted?

I'm on the waitlist a lot, and I'm not sure why. I am a first-generation white American woman. I am not a first-generation or low-income applicant. Without legacy, hooks, or parents that can donate millions to colleges. Attending a public school in New York City. With a GPA of 3.9 and an SAT score of 1550, 8 AP classes, and 2 college-level classes. I am a member of two school clubs, one of which I founded. I am a member of the debate team and pier tutor math. I've been doing MMA and swimming since elementary school. I've been volunteering for a national nonprofit for the past eight years. Play flute and hold free neighborhood art classes for kids. During the pandemic launched free classes for immigrants that were featured in a local newspaper.

So far, I've been admitted to Stony Brook honors, Binghamton honors, UT Austin, and University of Florida honors. The University of Chicago, Johns Hopkins University, and University of Virginia have waitlisted me (UVA after a deferral.) To me, and I may be wrong, waitlisted means I am almost good enough but not quite. So how can I be almost good enough for UChicago/ Johns Hopkins and almost good enough for UVirginia? UVirginia is not in the same league as UChicago or Johns Hopkins. I would understand if UChicago and Johns Hopkins rejected and UVirginia waitlisted me. I am confused.

I must have met the minimum grade requirement to be considered; otherwise, I would have received a rejection. Whatever it is, it appears to be small enough for me not to get rejected yet large enough for me not to get accepted. I understand the holistic approach, many talented applicants, and the legacy, hooks, and other factors. Whatever the case may be, there got to be something these colleges see that I'm missing. What could it possibly be? Between Johns Hopkins, UVA, and UChicago, I have two specific teacher recommendations in common. Could they be a factor? Are my extracurricular activities lacking in quality?

It couldn't possibly be a coincidence that three separate and very different schools waitlisted me. Is there any way to figure out why this is happening? Any ideas? What am I lacking?

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@stinkypotate3 years ago

In my case, my net price was way to high for what I could reasonably afford (because the fafsa is garbage). That's probably why... too poor to pay and too rich for aid

@Ashley_University3 years ago

That has happened to me as well. I don't really understand why. My essays were pretty good and my academics are up to their standards, but I don't know. Have you tried writing a letter of continued interest yet?

[🎤 AUTHOR]@AlexAlex3 years ago

Yes I did. But it doe snot matter if they have no openings.

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3 answers

3 years ago[edited]

Though I can't say for certain why you were waitlisted, my take would be that these schools want to put a hold on your application while they try to fill their spots with more hooked applicants. Your background as a white American woman from New York City is one of the more common ones. There is a smaller pool of top applicants who are low-income, underrepresented minorities, etc. The one thing that the University of Chicago, Johns Hopkins University, and University of Virginia all have in common is that they want to accept more hooked applicants who have your high level of academic and extracurricular achievement. I don't believe that there is anything that you are lacking, and if colleges can't find enough hooked applicants, you will surely be at the top of their waitlists. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

I wouldn't take this personal even though that's hard advice to give anyone. Approx 94% of applicants are not admitted to UChicago/JHU and the out-of-state admit rate at UVA is much lower than the in-state rate. You certainly met the min. standard across the board but keep in mind that all these schools a looking for students to play Division I or Division III sports, fill a seat in their Orchestra, Marching Band or other groups like Dance Teams, Cheer Teams or continue developing their "spike" talent or "wow"factor. The holistic approach you understand is just from the applicant perspective, you have to accept that 50% of the holistic approach from the school perspective is "FIT". If you don't easily "SLOT" into a unique qualifying job opening at the school, they are going to pass you over for someone else who can play Varsity Lacrosse, fill that French Horn opening, or be a walk on as the Sports Editor for the Newspaper. What are the other schools you applied to????

3 years ago

Being waitlisted commonly means that you are qualified to be admitted, but there isn't enough space. This is true in the most selective schools. There are unfortunately more qualified students than there are seats.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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