Wellesley College Class of 2026 acceptance rate drops to 13% from 16%
Class of 2025 vs Class of 2026
First-year applications 8725 vs 7920 (10% increase)
First-year admits 1135 vs 1267 (Actual Admit Number)
Percentage admitted 13% vs 16%
11% of admits were Int'l students same as last year
62% of admits were persons of color vs 63% last year
45% speak non-English in their family households vs 44% last year
23% of admits were 1st Generation applicants vs 21% last year
55% of applicants didn't submit test scores however 60% of admits submit test scores so there is slight PRO-TEST bias. Last year 60% didn't submit, and 50% admits submitted. So Testing is more important this year.
91% were in their top 10% of their graduating class vs 87% last year.
Clearly the Wellesley of 2022 is not the Wellesley of 1962. There is a great effort to educate a diverse class of women with nearly 1 out of 4 coming from family whose parents didn't graduate from college. Bottom line is the Pool is more competitive than ever and pushing closer to the magical 10% rate that Barnard holds.
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