Hi! So I have currently taken 4 AP exams (I am an IB Diploma Student so I am not taking as many, prospective economics major looking for admission to ivy leagues, duke, vandy, uva)
Currently I have a 5 (Macroeconomics), 5 (World History), 3 (Gov't), and 2 (Psych)
This year I will take the AP Statistics exam and probably the AP Calc AB exam
Before my AP Gov exam I burned my hand on hot soup during lunch 30 minutes before the test (it was online) and I was only able to type with one hand and wasn't able to preform as well as I think I should have. Should I include this in the additional info section? Also, will these AP scores keep me out of the ivies, if so, how could I make up for the bad scores? Thanks!
from my understanding, ap scores barely affect your chances of getting into a school. if you don't have a good ap score, all it means is that you won't earn credit for the class and you probably shouldn't submit the score to the school. the grade you received for the class and how you pursue your interest in the subject matters a lot more.
AP scores only slightly impact your chances of admission. Besides, colleges cannot see your AP scores unless you choose to submit them. But, since you did so well on Macroeconomics and World History, definitely put those in your application!
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