So I belive with all my honors courses, i have a 3.1 GPA. I do extra cirriculurs, and Im almost an Eagle scout, and a decent runner. Should I be worried about my college choices at this point?
Unless you are trying to get into a very competitive college, a 3.1 GPA shouldn't hurt you. If you want to raise your GPA, I'd recommend taking more AP/IB/Honors classes (they boost your chances of acceptance at any University). Your extracurriculars sound pretty strong, but maybe try out for a leadership position or two :)
If you want to go to an IVY or a T20, a 3.1 isn’t going to cut it. There are too many people with 4.0s and higher for them to even take you seriously. State colleges might accept you however. If you take APs/IB classes in Junior and Senior years, this should raise your GPA a bit. Your extracurriculars are okayy but try to get a leadership position / go in depth with at least some of them.
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If your grade scale is on a 4.0 or unweighted scale, a 3.1 shouldn't worry you. If you're weighted or on a 5.0 scale, you may want to look into more AP classes or extra credit opportunities. You have plenty of time to improve your GPA though, so don't let it stress you out. Your extracurriculars look great, they will be able to tell that you are a well rounded candidate. Schools love to see leadership roles in their top candidates though, so in the next few years you may want to look into that.