3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I be worried about my SAT/ACT scores?

Hi! I am currently a freshman and taking all honors classes besides geometry. I take the PSATs on April 19th and I am freaking out about them. I have all A's and my GPA is around 3.8. I work hard on all of my work and time-manage very well. A lot of the teachers at my school are warning us about the SATs and ACTs which makes me very anxious. I know I do not take them for a couple of years but I am still scared I will fail. In the past, I have presented as not a very good tester and that worries me especially since I am now in high school and things are getting difficult. Colleges seem to care a lot about these particular tests as well which makes me even more scared to even start studying. My teachers and peers keep attempting to reassure me by telling me that I am smart and I can ace the tests in the future but I still get nervous. Should I be worried?

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5 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

As a freshman, try not to worry to much, and the psat scores will give you a good understanding of what you can get on the test, and where you need to improve, when a sophomore you may want to consider doing sat or act prep work, free, on the areas you struggle. But the fact is you shouldn't worry to much and focus on keeping coursework up and extracurricular activities you enjoy.

3 years ago


Many colleges (such as the CSUs, UCs, Stanford, and even Harvard) have become test-optional and/or test-blind. The SATs and ACTs are slowly becoming less and less important; this is because of inequalities in the system (for example, wealthy kids can afford tutors and test practices while poorer kids cannot). The two tests are not a vital part of many college admissions anymore.

I know this is easier said than done, but try not to worry. You are taking a challenging course load and you have an exceptional GPA (all As!) This will prepare you well for the tests, if you choose to take them. I believe in you!!!!

3 years ago

The SAT/ACT's are fading out quickly, however, if the school you're looking to go to still asks for it in four years, I wouldn't be surprised. Don't worry about it too much, test anxiety is the main reason that peoples scores suffer on tests like these. As for actual test advice, I would recommend that you take a free SAT prep. class online or through your school your junior year. It will teach you how to take the test, which in my experience, proved more helpful than studying material for it.

3 years ago

I know that there are some colleges that don't require/consider SAT/ACT scores, but there are also colleges that place heavy emphasis on those scores when considering admission, so it really depends on your choice of college. Best of luck to you on your PSAT!

3 years ago

Colleges do not care about your ACT or SAT scores. As long you participate in extracurricular activities and earn positions in these activities, even if your score did not meet the standard, they will still accept. However, do not slack off, not all do that!!!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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