Can anyone recommend accredited online AP and/or college level classes?
Hi @AlexAlex I took 2 Outlier courses and they were transferable and accredited. When you take them you might have different profs. from diff colleges like Ivys and Elites but on the backend where you get your grades/transcript is from the University of Pittsburgh. So you get a official transcript from UPitt when you complete a course. It's 100% legit and costs 5 to 10 times less than enrolling ins a similar college course. These are not APs but college level courses that have UPitt course catalog equivalents. MATH 6210 or PSYCH 6010 something like that. Good luck.
For APs I'd look at there are plenty of APs taught by colleges like MIT, UCBerkeley, Davidson, etc. I found 15 there.
I know some might hate this software, I know edgenuity offers AP classes if your school is ok with them. Most schools already offer the program, so hopefully you have it too. If not for edge, then try BYU classes. Although they are a bit on the expensive side, the classes are college level and are really well explained so I would say its worth the price.
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