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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

I just moved to the US and I’m worried I have almost no time left to prepare (I’m a junior)

I was living in another country and this year I moved to the US. I’m currently in junior year ( only until summer, then I’m senior) and I’m looking for a way to get into a decent or good school if possible. I’ve always been a good student with really good grades, generally I consider myself smart so I’m not close to take difficult classes. I have no extracurriculars but I want to have, any ideas would be appreciated. Im wondering the best way to improve my gpa and to be a more attractive applicant to colleges when it comes the time. Any classes I should take, aps, service hours, etc. I need advice pls.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

To add to the great advice in the accepted answer, doing extracurriculars is one of the best ways you can improve your applicant profile. This CollegeVine article has some ideas for activities that you can start right away. I also recommend putting extra time into ensuring that your essays are creative and show your uniqueness. CollegeVine has some resources to guide you through writing essays, like our essay review service. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

Hello, I believe that volunteering is an excellent addition to any type of application and is usually easy to find opportunities. For example, volunteering at a hospital, church, school or community events, or even animal shelters would look good on your application. They are usually summer programs in community colleges near you. Try to contact them or go on their website to see your options. There are generally many clubs that allow students to participate in the middle of the school year. Make sure to find out about all the different clubs in your school. You could also try Boy scouts. Boy scouts do look great on the application. Take Honors or AP classes to improve your GPA. But I must warn you that Honors and AP classes are pretty hard, so talk to your counselor about the courses. Make a list of colleges and universities you are considering and find out their high school course requirements. It is beneficial if you have taken all the required and recommended courses. Start preparing for the SAT or the ACT. A good score on a standardized test is excellent for college application. I hope this helps <3

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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