3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What’s a better way to study for test and quiz’s

Please give out tips

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3 years ago

As @AdarshA said writing stuff down is super helpful for me. If you are like me and you like to have everything in front of you and physically there this is an awesome method for studying.

I also like to make flashcards. This gives me the opportunity to write the information down and is an easy way to keep up with your studying (what you know and what you need more help on).

I love finding ways to connect the question and answer. It can be as absurd as you want as long as it helps you remember. For example we were asked about who invented the microscope (Hans and Zacharias Janssen). I chose to remember this by imagining two brothers in a basement surrounded by all of their failed attempts finally succeeding and yelling something like "Eureka" and giving each other a high five or even hugging.


3 years ago

One thing my parents have always been pushing me to do is take notes. Notes on paper are really useful to review or to study right before an exam


3 years ago

Quizlet is my #1 favorite thing to study with, but definitely only the learn feature and then take the quizlet test after. If quizlet isn't exactly your style, peer studying is also a great way to study. Quizlet though has been 100% a full proof method for me.


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