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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Golfing in College

I need to know how much colleges expect out of a d1 golfer. I have been doing well in school with around a 3.5-3.8 GPA each year. I could drop some classes for my senior year and focus more on golf. Would this be smart or should I keep up the schoolwork?

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

I ama golfer myself and I have been thinking about focusing more on golf these days, but after talking to some senior that are pretty good at golf, I have decided to stick to academics, but still pursue a good score in golf. It really depends on your goal in college. If your golf score is good enough, like below par, then I would say you can easly apply for a college using your golf skills, but anything above that most colleges don't consider.

I am not that good, so I have decided to stick with academics instead of sports, but the decision is up to you and how good you are with golf!

3 years ago

I don't really know much about golfing, but you should still focus on school work. Colleges might take into account that you gold if you gold really well like a star basketball player, but even they need to keep up with school work. It's ok to shirk your school work time to time, but you should try to make them up. Try to avoid dropping classes. It would make you look like you care more about golfing than your classes. That being put, you could try to get study hall.

2 years ago[edited]

While having a high GPA is important, being a D1 athlete requires a significant amount of time and dedication to the sport. It's definitely worth talking to the coaches and admissions staff at the colleges you're interested in to get a better idea of what they expect from their golfers. A thing that might help you become a better golfer is a a golf break. I've been for a few from and it was excellent. Taking a break from school and playing golf in a beautiful location like Portugal could be the perfect way to relax and recharge before starting college.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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