2 years ago
Admissions Advice

BOSTON UNIVERSITY admits 14.1% vs 18.3% last year, failing to curb enrollement targets

In last month's Daily Free Press, it was stated that BU wanted to curb enrollment at 3200 but ended up enrolling 4011 or 811 more freshman for the Class of '25 vs Class of '24.


This year for the Class of 2026, there is no way BU is going to get the number down below 4011. BU admitted 1640 ED, and just admitted 9794 RD for a total of 11434. The admit pool was 80792 so the overall acceptance rate was 11434/80792=14.15%

The yield was 32% last year so if it stays the same then .32 x 9794=3134 plus the 1640 will result in a total of 4773 freshman in this class if the yield holds. Where are they going to house an extra 673 freshman this fall? Personally, I think they blew it because to get down to a reasonable freshman class of say 3750, they only needed to accept 7000 or less during RD not 9784.

Where are they going to house an extra 673 freshman this fall?

My advise to anyone that got waitlisted is not to opt-in for the BU waitlist. They are already overbooked by 673 students over last year, so it's highly doubtful anyone will get pulled off the waitlist.

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2 years ago

Do you think that over-enrollment happened due to administrative error or something else?

🎤2 years ago

Alexander it's a bit odd to me because they sure made a public statement by saying they didn't want to repeat the same problem they created for 3 semesters and now they will have at least another 2 semesters of problems. The only explanation I have is that perhaps 20% of the admits are guaranteed deferred acceptances. I know BU and USC have done this before. They say you got in but you have to do a semester or 2 at another college before you matriculate.


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Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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