3 years ago
Admissions Advice

How influential are your essays on college admissions and how do you deal with application anxiety?

I attend a very competitive gifted high school where nearly everyone has goals of attending an Ivy League school or another college of the same caliber. Most people have a GPA greater than 3.7 (many have perfect GPAs) and are involved (and successful) in many extracurriculars. I have an unweighted GPA of 3.87 (I am typically a straight A student but dealt with some mental health issues in 10th grade) and I am involved in quite a few extracurriculars (and an officer in some!), but it still seems that other students are ahead of me in many ways. I've ran for president for two different clubs, yet lost both times and serve as vice president of said clubs. Others have taken advantage of different opportunities that I wasn't even aware of until I saw their extracurriculars list or their awards, which makes me feel like what I have already been doing isn't enough even though what I'm already doing has been nearly overwhelming for me. I feel like it's also too late to start adding on extracurriculars, because colleges could probably tell that I am desperate to get as many extracurriculars as I can at the last minute. I founded my own initiative for LGBTQ+ students in my area though, so maybe that could help boost my odds a bit :) The one hope I have now apart from that initiative is my personal statement and my essays that I've started drafting, which I feel are very strong and personal/unique to me. I'm very nervous because many of these students are also applying to the same schools as me, and I feel as though they have a better chance of getting in than me which has been making me extremely anxious. How much can my essays affect my chances of getting into a college, and how should I deal with this fear of not getting into my dream schools? Should I focus on polishing my essays more or putting even more energy into my extracurriculars and the organization I founded instead (or both)? This is a lot at once so I'm very sorry for having you read all that! Thank you!


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

I am sort of in the same position as you. First off, it doesn't matter that you think colleges are going to see you as desperate if you try to get in some last minute extracurriculars. In fact, I'm doing the exact same! I'm pretty sure essays are about 25% worth your application. You're wayyy ahead of many since you are starting to draft your essay now while others wait till summer or the start of senior year. I know that a lot of these top applicants profiles that you are referring to often get rejected since they often brag too much in their essays and I've seen success stories of people with gpas (like yours which is very good) that got into top schools with mid ECs and stellar essays. Continue working on your essays and yes, find ways to improve your ECs whether it's independent projects or summer programs. You got this :)

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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