2 years ago
Admissions Advice

NOTE to all CV HS students - The College you will attend doesn't define you!!!!

Ivy Day pretty much marks the end of the college admissions cycle (expect for Stanford). That being said by tonight most HS seniors have a good idea of where they are going and the rest are going to find out in a couple months from their Wait List schools.

First, congratulations to all you that endured the process and completed it best to your ability. For those still working on letters of continued interest, remember that getting off the wait list is not sure thing so be diligent, patient and try your best, you can't do more than that.

Some of you surprised yourselves and go into great schools. Some of you got in target or fit schools. And other got into safeties and got a lot of wait-lists or rejections.

Remember that colleges don't define you, they just are fickle about who they want in their Freshman class. Just because you get accepted into a T25 school doesn't mean you are going to be a better human or a smarter human. You are still the same person today as you will be no matter where you go to college. Colleges don't make you a brilliant, kind or compassionate person. Either you are or you are not. So keep that in mind.

I was watching a youtube yesterday about someone discussing a conversation with a Princeton admissions officer who said that when they accept 1800 students, the next 18000 they didn't accept would have been a great fit on the Princeton campus as well and would have thrived there. There just isn't enough room for everyone. I believe them. Why? Because for the most part, theses schools are self-selecting and I truly believe that 50% of the applications at these top school come from fully qualified students. There just isn't enough room. Therefore, random selection takes place which "shapes" the incoming class based on what Princeton needs to continue doing their Princeton thing. They need X number of female Basketball players and male water polo players, x number of orchestra etc etc.

Until the American Govt. pours more $$$$ and resources into upping the ante on public universities and colleges unfortunately we have to navigate the predominately private college landscape. It's not a meritocracy so remember not to hate the player but hate the game.

Now is the time to start making a loose plan for the next 4 years and decide how you are going to get into that dream grad school or PhD program. It doesn't matter if you will attend a large public university or a small liberal arts college. You will have an excellent chance to get into the post-grad program you want to.

Also please keep in mind that it's a lot easier in many instances to transfer into many top colleges versus getting admitted as a first time freshman. So keep your options open, do your research and continue having a great rest of your senior year.

Have a great Spring and Summer and good luck in the fall!!!!!!

Advise to 11th graders, use this summer productive to fill any holes in your ECs or academic narrative. It's better to take a college class than save up for a car. And if you have time to take an actual SAT or ACT do so. It can't hurt.

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2 years ago

This helps so much!

As an 11th grader, college, AP Tests, and the SAT's have been very doom and gloom for me. I have a solid GPA, but I want to apply to many schools that are notoriously hard to get into. There is fun in the challenge, but it has started to wear on me. This helped me realize that there is more to college than the name your applying to. There is the social aspect, all of the amazing professors and class opportunities, the campus life and freedom you get to have, these points aren't unique to specific colleges. Every college obviously has its strength, but no matter where I end up it's up to me to use my resourced and make college life something to enjoy!

I'm waiting for my SAT scores to return and hopefully they are good, but I can study and take it again in June! It's a hard process but it will be rewarding wherever I end up.

Thanks for the positivity, good luck to everyone applying!

🎤2 years ago

Yes, make lemonade out of lemons. Make key lime pie out of limes. Make avocado toast out of avocados!!!!


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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