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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

When should one start applying to colleges?

Teachers and students always talk about college applications, except when to start them! Any points of view would be greatly appreciated.

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4 answers

3 years ago

Ideally, you should start in freshman year. You need to focus on getting good grades and in sophomore or junior year, start taking more rigorous courses. You also need to join clubs starting in freshman year to decide what you like and don't like. In sophomore year, you can decide which ones you're going to commit to and get a leadership position in. You also need to start doing community service in freshman year. You should probably focus on one project because it shows colleges you have commitment.

You can start browsing colleges in freshman year, but you should really focus on it in junior year. Over summer break before senior year is ideally the best time to write your essays so you won't get swamped with work in senior year. You could also try to write your college essays in junior year. The best time to apply to colleges is the year you go from junior to senior.

3 years ago


I would recommend starting to jot down ideas for your personal essay the summer before applying as well as applying for scholarships. You should gather ideas of what you want to look for in a college at this time too. Starting your senior year, you should be getting ready to write essays for colleges as well as asking your teachers for recommendation letters. Draft out your list of colleges you're going to apply to. In that fall, demonstrate interest in the colleges you want to apply to. Signing up for their emails, attending info sessions, etc. You can apply before the deadline regarding your EA, REA, ED, or RD choices but start the application process way before. Hope that helps!

3 years ago

Hey @soph1 I think you should start applying for scholarships right now! I've been applying for scholarships since I was a freshman but unfortunately haven't won any yet, but I'm still trying though.

3 years ago

I am a junior and going into my senior year, I feel as if I know practically nothing about college and what to do. The best advice I have is to start looking at colleges during freshman year. It will help you know what you want to do, set goals, and give you the necessary determination and perseverance to do so.

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