2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Can I take the AP Exam without taking an AP course if I have mastered its contents elsewhere?

I'm a freshman. Certain AP courses, such as AP Lang and AP Lit, are not offered at my high school. My school, on the other hand, offers comparable courses at an equivalent level. I can also take dual credit courses in these areas at my local university. So, can I take AP exams in my sophomore/senior/junior years without taking AP classes if I mastered its topics elsewhere? If, so how can I do that? Will it have any effect on my college admissions in any way? The same scenario and question apply to AP Macroeconomics, AP Microeconomics, and AP Physics 1. Detailed responses would be appreciated.

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@pizza1082 years ago

Could you please stop "accepting" then "unaccepting" my answer multiple times? You've done it 12 times today and 7 times yesterday. And I've also noticed a similar behavior occurring with my upvotes as someone (I wonder who) keeps upvoting, then either removing the upvote or downvoting MULTIPLE times. Please, could you stop? The notifications are getting annoying.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@Thinker2 years ago

Yes, I will stop that. I was testing what I can do on this new platform. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

@pizza1082 years ago

not this again...pls leave my answer alone

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5 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Yes, you will be able to take any AP exam you wish without taking the class. You can sign up for AP exams by following these steps and working with your guidance counselor.

Scoring well on these AP exams will show that you have initiative when it comes to learning and that your high school's/local university's course offerings are equal in rigor to AP classes, and you will be rewarded with college credit for scores between 3-5. Colleges will see your efforts as impressive since they will show that you went above and beyond the resources offered at your school to increase your course rigor. Hope this helps!

2 years ago[edited]

Hello! You do not need to be enrolled in an AP course to take an AP exam. If you have mastered the required topics, I recommend going for it! Just make sure not to miss any of the payment or registration deadlines (they are typically in October.)

2 years ago

You definitely can take the test without taking the exam. I've had friends do it for courses they already learned about. It would just be up to you to figure out with your school how you would take the exam (i.e. going to another school to take it with their students when it is proctored).

Best of luck!

2 years ago

I believe you can. Although it is recommended to take an AP course, then take the exam, it is possible to take the AP exam while mastering the topic elsewhere. It's called self studying.

2 years ago

You can't sadly

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