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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

How To Show Incentive in My Extracurriculars

I’m trying to build a competitive profile for college so by senior year I will have done 11 APs and so far the lowest grade I’ve gotten is a B+ in first semester freshman french 2 honors which immediately went up to an A- next semester. Other than that, I have gotten mostly A+s and some A’s. What can I add to this?

What Ive Done

Varsity Math Team


Object Oriented coding

FRC School Team CAD/ Mechanical Designer

President of Engineering Club

Non-Profit for Under privileged schools trying to get into FLL

Varsity Badminton and soon Varsity Tennis (Probably Badminton Captain Senior Year)

Received multiple awards (2 Academic, 3 Moral awards, 1 Volunteer award)

Run a STEM summer camp with other members of the Robotics tea for the youth

Teach elementary kids about what robotics is and how it helps us every year

Please give any STEM related extracurriculars please. Anything is appreciated.

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

I think that you are doing the right types of extracurriculars as a STEM-focused student. Here are my suggestions for ways you can improve your profile:

1. Try to take the same extracurriculars you are doing to the state, national, or international levels. This will turn your ECs into tier 1 and 2 activities, which colleges like to see. Work on increasing the tangible impact of each EC as well.

2. Participate in STEM competitions like these

3. Add at least one activity to your list that is not related to STEM to show that you are well rounded. An EC related to social justice or the humanities would be ideal.

4. Include one unique hobby on your list to demonstrate that you are active and show some personality.

Hope this helps!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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