2 years ago
Admissions Advice

no AP or Honors Classes

Hi, I go to a school that doesn't offer AP or Honors classes but I'm dual enrolled, taking classes at a local community college and by the time I graduate from HS, I will have taken and passed 7 college classes with A's and B's. I'm also completing high school within 3 years, instead of 4, if that has any impact. I'm just wondering if my lack of AP and Honors will be a detriment to my college admissions.

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6 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago


I am a class of 2022 senior and I will share some anecdotal evidence from my high school! I go to a school where we also have no AP offerings. However, colleges receive a school report from your counselor which informs them of the course offerings and opportunities available to you. They will know you had no AP or honors, and they will not hold it against you.

Colleges will evaluate your application in the context of your unique circumstances, the fact that you took community college courses indicates that you are challenging yourself beyond what you were offered. Which in my opinion is amazing, and I'm sure colleges will see it the same way!

As for AP courses, the only thing that may impact is an inability to transfer credits once you are admitted. You have community college courses, so you can probably transfer those.

2 years ago

Yay! Another person in the same boat!

This should not affect your chances of getting into a college. The academic rigor of dual enrollment courses is on par with, if not greater than, most AP classes (because AP classes are mainly taken to get college credit instead of having to take those classes at college). I think a college would see that you are exceptionally dedicated if you're willing to put in the college-level effort now instead of waiting until later.

I'm not sure about the early graduation but I would think that it would be much the same.

Good luck!

2 years ago

To the best of my knowledge, it will not be a significant harm to your college admission. All of these factors are not your fault; they are the result of restrictions imposed by your school. If you took college-level courses that were equivalent to the rigor of AP/Honors classes, you shouldn't be too concerned. You received 7 college classes, which is significantly higher than my average high school classmates. In an honest application letter, you could explain your situation and demonstrate how you have strived for the best despite a lack of resources. So keep up your progress and try to raise your GPA as much as you can.

At the end of the day, if you know you've done everything you possibly can, take a deep breath and leave the rest to the College. I hope this helps!

2 years ago

To add to the other answers, your odds of admission will not be harmed! What colleges care the most about is that you are taking the most rigorous courses possible given your circumstances - since dual enrollment classes are your best option, you are doing the right thing. Dual enrollment classes are also seen as nearly equivalent to AP classes, so your transcript will be seen as impressive so long as you maintain As and Bs. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

colleges go off of what your school offers, so you should be ok

2 years ago

I don't think it'll harm you to not have any APs because your school simply doesn't offer them. You still took the opportunity to take dual enrollment enrollment classes and a lot of them so that should be what keeps you up with others compared to just a clean slate of regular classes (no shade to people that just take regular classes).

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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