I'm live in New York.
GPA : 3.9
SAT : 1540
Is it enough to get to MIT ?
Not sure if you are willing to elaborate on your ECs.
This a "Chance Me" question which unfortunately is not allowed on the CV Q & A.
To better understand what you are up against read these MIT articles and watch these videos.
MIT probably uses a matrix of 100 decision criteria so your 2 stats don't mean much to an MIT admissions officer. Since MIT is primarily a self-selecting college, I would guess that 30000+ out of 38000 applicants have met those stat thresholds before they applied and they only accepted 1337 this admissions cycle.
Use the Q&A in the future to ask specific questions about college admissions like "should I take an advanced math topic like "real analysis" after I take AP Calc B/C if I want to apply to Caltech?" Something like that.
Good luck.
Definitely your stats fall into the range that most accepted students have but however there is no guarantee. Stats aren't everything, your Ecs, essays and more other factors plays a very important role.
look beyond these. EC's, experience, etc. you need these too. colleges want to see someone who is unique, not a plain old run of the mill basic person who only looks at general "how good am I" and not "how much fun am I having" (No offense mean't)
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Hi there, could you please provide us with more detail, thank you