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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Do I apply as a transfer student? DO I set it as transfer student on commonapp?

I've been hesitant as what to fall under when picking the type of student I would be for common app. I know it depends on the college whether I'd apply as a transfer student or not which is why I'm not too confident with going under transfer. I've taken 5 college classes for dual enrollment so I think I would..


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

I would recommend applying as a regular student. Even if you complete around 20 college credits through dual enrollment, you may still not be considered as a transfer student at many schools because you will not have an associate's degree.

In any case, applying as a regular student would give you the benefit of facing a less competitive admissions process. This is because there are few transfer spots available at most schools, especially at the most selective and prestigious schools. Your dual enrollment classes would still help you as a standard applicant, since they will boost your weighted GPA, demonstrate your passion for learning, and give you plenty of useful college credit. Hope this helps!

3 years ago[edited]

Many schools are nearly impossible to get into as a transfer student like the Ivys or Elite or Top Liberal arts colleges. Since you only have 5 classes, I'm not sure admissions officers would consider you a full time college student trying to transfer into another college anyway.

There are many first time undergraduate applicants that have 20 or 30 college credits under their belt, some even more.

The legwork you should do is to research each of the colleges you are interested in applying to and figure out what their definition of a transfer student is. For some schools, you are transfer if you have enrolled into a community college post HS and earned 12 college credits or more. For most colleges however, having DE college credit doesn't mean you are full time community college student.

Good luck

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