2 years ago
Admissions Advice

When should I attempt to transfer out of my community college?

Should I complete a 2 year degree before attempting to transfer to a four year school like Cornell? I’d really like to leave my current school as soon as possible due to some stressful personal circumstances, but I don’t want to shoot myself in the foot by applying too early if I shouldn’t. I’d be okay with transferring in as a freshman or sophomore, I’d actually prefer it.


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago[edited]

Hey! Im in the same situation at the moment trying to get my associates as of right now so in college i can transfer that to a bachelors. Unfortunately I'm a little late so by the time I complete all the courses I need I'd already be in college! So im trying to complete it before I go. In my opinion I think it'd simply just be easier to complete it or double down on the work to get whatever you desire! Its always great to wait things out instead of piling up on your workload though so it really comes down to how you feel. I was planning to get one then do another by that time i want to transfer for less years!😭 so i say after!

2 years ago

Since you have a good record from high school, I would recommend transferring out of community college after freshman year. So long as your other application components are the best they can be, you will be competitive in the admissions process.

With that said, it would still be worth it to spend an extra year at community college if you need more time to improve your application. Definitely look into the monetary benefits of staying an extra year as well, since these are greater than the small admissions boost you could get. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

I am not an expert but I suggest finishing your 2 years at community college and then transferring! You would save money this way and give yourself more time to build up your resume and GPA, etc. basically making your chance of getting in much more strong! I hope this helped and things work out for you.

2 years ago

you should probably get a degree then move on, you could do a one-year certificate then move on, but if you are already in for an associate's, I recommend finishing that.

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