2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How bad will COVID19 affect my admissions chances(especially for Ivy unis)?

I’m a sophomore in high school with a GPA of 4.21(4.0 unweighted) and I fully believe I will maintain a GPA above 4.0 for the rest of high school(will take close to 10 AP classes which will grant me a large GPA boost) as I have maintained a similar GPA throughout middle school as well(dunno if that even matters, but I did take Regents classes in middle school). I have played the violin for 9 years, playing in multiple musical concerts/recitals and received a few awards that I don’t remember much about. I have also been trained in karate for 7 years, attained a black belt, and won numerous medals in city, state, and national competitions. I was also an assistant karate coach teaching little children karate. I played dodgeball for fun for 3 years and somehow ended up being the captain of the junior national dodgeball team(I think I was a captain, but oh well I was some sorta leader) and won a world championship in the junior division. I am planning on volunteering at my local hospital and doing a summer internship(at NASA maybe?? I’ll look into it).

Ok sorry, I really didn’t want to give you the story of my life without anybody caring, but I am concerned about one thing. Last year was THE Covid year, and my grades took a huge toll at that time period. By the end of freshman year, I had a GPA of almost 3.4 for both semesters that year. I had a really hard time then, and I am so concerned that the damned year will ruin my college apps. I am planning on applying to Ivy Leagues and various other prestigious colleges. I don’t want to do a “chance-me” sort of thing; I just want to know how my freshman year will affect my college applications. I wanted to give you all the full picture of what I have done so far and please tell me anything I can do to improve my chances of being admitted into my dream schools.

So sorry for the long read, and thank you so much for your time!

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I think as long as you keep your grades up now and stay focused and on task in school you should be alright. Colleges will instead see your determination to increase your grades instead of the bad grades itself

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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