therefore i picked these class AlgebraII and Spanish II and ChemistryI and U.S. History & Geography and these are the only class where i could take honors which one should i take becuase i am trying to go to harvard or columiba
it depends on what you want to major in as well
So you are a picking classes for your junior year then?
Do your school offer any AP Classes? I would try to take some APs if your school offers those. Common ones for first time APs are AP Human Geography, AP US History. It's very important to take a couple advanced English classes that will teach you how to write expository essays like AP Lang and AP Lit. I think that's a must.
Otherwise these 4 are solid choices.
Good luck.
it depends on what you want to major in as well. obviously, it looks better to have lots of ap and honors, but it's better to take ap/honors in classes that you are interested in and fit with your intended major. So between your four class choices, go with the one that fits with what you want to major in. For example, if you want to go down the pre-med pathway, it would be much better to take chemistry or algebra rather than history or Spanish. Overall, just go with your interests and major!!
To keep this community safe and supportive:
i will go with the medical major