2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Pratt vs USC for Undergrad Architecture

My 18 year old daughter from India has been accepted in Pratt and USC for B Arch for Fall 2022. Pratt has offered a scholarship of $105000 spread across the 5 year course. Which one should she choose. She will be an International Student. Pratt being an Art School compared to USC being a full University and ranked higher. Really confused.

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3 answers

2 years ago

In general, USC is ranked higher than Pratt for most majors however when it comes to 5 year undergraduate programs, the only ranking list that matters is the Architectural Record (industry standard professional journal) annual ranking list.


On this list, Pratt is ranked #7 best program out of the top 10. USC doesn't even register on the list.

Not only is Pratt a higher ranked program but you said that your daughter would receive $21000 in annual aid for the next 5 years. Give the concentration of top architectural firms in NYC, I think it would be easier for her to get a job during summers and after she graduates as well.

Hope that helps.

2 years ago[edited]

I think that your daughter should choose Pratt. When it comes to architecture, Pratt's programs are more prestigious. It also has better resources to help architects grow being an art school - its location in the art capital of New York is a benefit as well. Lastly, the scholarship she was awarded is a huge achievement for an international student, and it will greatly help cover the cost of her degree. Hope this helps.

2 years ago

It depends on the situation of tuition costs. As 105,000 is pretty good and it will help relieve a lot of college loan money. On the other hand, USC is higher in prestige in its ranking for Architecture. Yet there isn't that big of a difference as Pratt is also good. So the question comes down to Money Relief or Little Better College, and personally, I would choose Pratt as it will help save a lot of money.

Also, it depends on where you want to live NY or California.

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