Any advice if this load looks ok for Freshman Year:
- P.E.
I am also hoping to take an AP class outside of school on top of that any recommendations on which AP I should take?
Yes Spanish I requirement was met in middle school.
Are you taking a history class? How many periods does your school offer to take classes?
I had a very similar course load as a freshman, and although you may feel like you need to take an AP, it is understandable that many places don't allow APs in freshman year. As someone who took APs just to take them, my advice is- DONT do that. My Human Geography and European History courses don't mean much to me now, but Physics and Chemistry are actually going to be the classes that colleges are more interested in since I'm going into the physics field. Don't feel pressured to take classes that you're not interested in. This is not to say that you need to know what you want to do at this point, but just follow your interests and you're sure to do great. Algebra 2 is great and is putting you on track to AP Calc since you're a freshman. Java Programming is a GREAT skill to have and is going to put you apart from other applicants, and if you enjoy it, there are computer-based APs that you might enjoy. I would recommend doing a class over the summer that takes up space in your schedule. For example, I took Spanish 3 last summer so I didn't have to worry about it in my Junior year, instead, I could take a class I liked and still complete my desired amount of Spanish classes.
Good luck, and don't stress yourself out too much, trust me, there's plenty of time to stress when you get closer to going to college! No matter what, you're on the right track and you are sure to do great things!
it looks good to me. you're only a freshman so you don't need to go heavy on classes because you have so long.
Everything looks good. When you have time map out all your course for the next 4 years and see if that looks about right. You may have to make adjustments every year but at least you will know where you end up. It's good practice to have a picture of your next 4 years of HS.
Good luck.
if your school offers biology honors, take that instead. its not any different than the regular class except some projects differ but truly biology is one of those subjects that rely on memorization so its not like the work is harder. AP psych and AP microeconomics i've heard are great to take online especially with no exposure to either subject.
English, Algebra, Biology, Spanish 2 and Programming are all great choices. P.E can be taken as a summer course in many schools which can often be beneficial for gaining more credits. It's also often much more fun than in school P.E.
Choosing AP classes depends on what school you go to but my advice would be to take an AP history if possible such as AP World History. However, if history isn't your thing, Human Geography AP is much more enjoyable. It's more centered around cultures and learning about people than memorizing information.
Another piece of advice is to keep taking Spanish for the rest of high school. It looks great on college resumes and you can be certified bilingual by the time you graduate high school. Spanish 3 is the hardest class so don't get discouraged!
This is fairly average for a freshman but there isn't a social studies class. I've heard AP Psych is an easy class so it shouldn't stress you out your first year of high school. I wouldn't recommend putting too much on your plate so if you are going to take an AP outside of school I would only take 1 or wait until next school year. Are these CP, honors, etc. or are different course levels not offered at your school?
Hello! Your course load looks great. You are already in advanced courses for freshmen (Algebra II, Spanish II.) Furthermore, Java Programming is a unique, interesting, and rewarding class.
For AP courses, stick with what you like! If you enjoy programming, AP Computer Science is a great option (you'll work with JavaScript there too.) But there are a variety of other options, ranging from AP Psychology and AP Environmental Science to AP Music Theory.
I hope this helps!
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So did you take Spanish l allready///