Hi! I'm a freshman and this is my current course load. I want to get into a good college, so is this enough?
Fall 2021
Honors English 1, Honors Biology, Spanish 1, Geometry 9, Theology 1, Health, Fundamentals of Art
Spring 2022
Honors English 1, Honors Biology, Spanish 1, Geometry 9, Theology 1, Health, Ancient Civilizations
Fall 2022
Honors English 2, Honors Algebra 2, Honors Chemistry, Theology 2, AP World History: Modern, Spanish 2, Filmmaking
(Self-studying Honors Pre-Calc & AP CS P)
Spring 2023
Honors English 2, Honors Algebra 2, Honors Chemistry, Theology 2, AP World History: Modern, Spanish 2, Coding in Python
(Self-studying Honors Pre-Calc & AP CS P)
It depends on how competitive the schools you're thinking about are. If you want to attend an Ivy League, then these courses are not rigorous enough. If you're applying to schools with an acceptance rate of 40%+, then these courses are probably good enough. Try taking more AP/IB courses, or look into dual-enrollment courses if your school has them. Keep in mind, if you don't believe you can get good grades in harder classes, do not take them! It's better to take courses you can get A's in, than hard courses that you'll get C's or B's in (getting a lower grade in a harder class will hurt your GPA more). Also, extracurriculars are extremely important and, in some cases, matter more that what classes you take. Join clubs and get leadership positions and you should be good to go. Best of luck!
I think your course load is definitely good. Make sure not to be overworking yourself, and also joining other activities or clubs. Also, it's great you're self studying such hard material! Good luck with everything!
if you could some AP in freshman may be good, but you've got a few years so this looks good.
I think this a really good plan.Keep up the good work!
I think that this is a great course plan. You can try to do Honors Spanish 2 in 10th grade if you want an extra Honors course. It's a great plan to self study to advance yourself and to fit in extra courses...just make sure that you don't fall behind in these courses and are diligent with them. You can also use a 4-year course plan to help you plan out courses (& pre-requirements)
Don't forget to join other clubs/extracurriculars that fit into your schedule as well. This is a huge factor for getting into a good college. However, it's best to keep a challenging enough course/extracurriculars in which you can maintain a good grade. (It's better for you to get A's in a couple Honors/APs than totally fail a bunch of Honors/APs).
Good luck! :)
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I think those classes are great! I personally would focus on those classes along with other clubs and/or sports. Make sure you keep your grades up and you will have a really good chance!